Thursday, 3 July 2014

.....And Breathe!

So today has been a lonnnnnggg day at the end of a long year. As some of you will know, the past 12 months didn't get off to the best of starts (understatement of the century), and so completing the final year of my degree has been a struggle at the best of times, and felt impossible at the worst. And yet today, at 3am (more on the ridiculous early wake up late), I checked my results and saw that I had earnt a Lower Second Class Honours degree in Air Transport Management.

Whilst 13 months ago, I would have hoped for a 2:1 minimum, this is a great result for me considering I thought I would be lucky to pass at the end of my exams last month. Four years of uni have paid off, and furthermore....I HAVE A GRADUATE JOB!!!!!!!!

Yes that's correct, in addition to my results, I have been offered employment in a graduate role starting in September in London. So the big city awaits for Beth (my fiancée for those that don't know) and I, but before then I have an extremely busy couple of months.

In addition to the usual ridiculous amount of birthdays over the summer (including mine), I have recently started a summer job as a Aircraft Dispatcher with a leading UK ground handling agent at a local airport (hence the 3am starts) and it looks that I will be going live, dispatching aircraft by myself from Monday. In addition to the obvious benefit of being paid, this job is getting me some experience, whilst allowing me to be a plane nut to my hearts content.

As you would expect in any passenger service industry, there are certain challenging moments, some caused by customers, some by colleagues and some by.....,well the French (more on the French in another post). Whilst these challenges can cause problems, they can liven the job up and do stop complacency.

As I'm sure you can understand, I'm on a bit of a life high at the moment, so here's some inspirational music for you all :)

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