Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Big Wide World

After 4 years of work, essays and exams, my time at uni is coming to end (well at least hopefully). I had my finals last week, and my viva to discuss my dissertation yesterday. I say hopefully as the past semester has been a struggle, I've been more affected by the events of the summer than previously and have at times found it very difficult to carry on at Uni. My department and tutor have been brilliant, helping me in any way possible and although impaired performance has been submitted, I'm still uncertain that I will have done well enough to graduate in July.

This uncertainty doesn't help stress levels as I have to carry on as though I will be graduating and entering the big wide world. The job hunting well and truly began after Christmas with applications to Graduate schemes at numerous companies, with general job applications having started in the past month or so.

My parents and fiancée have been extremely supportive, providing suggestions and enthusiasm when mine has been lacking. On Saturday, my parents mentioned an aviation job agency, and so I duly submitted an application. By lunchtime on Monday the company had got in touch and by close of business I had had an interview at their offices. Hopefully something will come of it but at the end of the day, all interviews are experience. 

On the flip side, I eventually heard back after my interview north of the border and unfortunately didn't get the job. However, the feedback was positive and it was more that the interviewers thought a very desk based job wouldn't be ideal for me than me not being a good candidate.

I've got two pieces of coursework still to hand in, although they are almost done and then in early July, the uni will finally tell me whether I am to enter the big wide world or remain in the bubble that is Loughborough for another year. Either way, I know that I have the support of my family, friends and fiancée, Beth, for which I am extremely grateful. The important thing that I have learnt over the past 11 months is that everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is not clear at the time. So in the words on Monty Python, always look on the bright side of life!

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